* jQuery Mobile Menu
* Turn unordered list menu into dropdown select menu
* version 1.0(31-OCT-2011)
* Built on top of the jQuery library
* http://jquery.com
* Documentation
* http://github.com/mambows/mobilemenu
$.fn.mobileMenu = function(options) {
var defaults = {
defaultText: 'Navigate to...',
className: 'select-menu',
subMenuClass: 'sub-menu',
subMenuDash: '–'
settings = $.extend( defaults, options ),
el = $(this);
// ad class to submenu list
// Create base menu
'class' : settings.className
}).insertAfter( el );
// Create default option
$('', {
"value" : '#',
"text" : settings.defaultText
}).appendTo( '.' + settings.className );
// Create select option from menu
var $this = $(this),
optText = ' ' + $this.text(),
optSub = $this.parents( '.' + settings.subMenuClass ),
len = optSub.length,
// if menu has sub menu
if( $this.parents('ul').hasClass( settings.subMenuClass ) ) {
dash = Array( len+1 ).join( settings.subMenuDash );
optText = dash + optText;
// Now build menu and append it
$('', {
"value" : this.href,
"html" : optText,
"selected" : (this.href == window.location.href)
}).appendTo( '.' + settings.className );
}); // End el.find('a').each
// Change event on select element
$('.' + settings.className).change(function(){
var locations = $(this).val();
if( locations !== '#' ) {
window.location.href = $(this).val();
}); // End this.each
return this;
$('#navigation ul.menu').mobileMenu({
defaultText: 'Navigation',
className: 'select-menu',
subMenuDash: '–'