Profile of Elizabeth Choe
Elizabeth Choe leads the educational media outreach program, MIT+K12 Videos. In addition to mentoring educational media fellows and teaching a science education media class at MIT, she produces and co-writes Science Out Loud, a ‘edutainment’ webseries series aimed at generating science and engineering interest among middle-high school students, and Q’s View, a talk show interviewing high-achieving students of under-resourced backgrounds. She leads outreach events and school partnerships for K12 Videos and develops new web series programming. Elizabeth is interested in the intersection of science communication and entertainment for sustaining lifelong curiosity. She has produced media for MIT’s Office of Admissions, previously worked at a Boston-based television production company and conducted nanoparticle-based cancer therapy at MIT’s Koch Institute.

Elizabeth Choe
E echoe at mit dot edu
T +1.617.324.7628